Mission Statement
Communicatorlink’s primary vision is to assist and support the contact experiencer in their understanding of the diverse and complex nature of his/her experiences and encounters, as a means to enhance personal growth and human advancement in a dynamic and vibrant universe.
Communicatorlink is an independent research centre and support network, facilitating information exchanges, support services, and networking opportunities for first-hand experiencers of anomalous contact with non-human intelligence (“communicators”), and related phenomena.
Communicatorlink also supports research and cooperation between experiencers of anomalous contact events, and scientists, professionals, and researchers in studying some of the most profound issues facing humanity within the context of human contact with intelligent entities from other worlds or dimensions, whose manifestations challenge currently known physical laws. We support diverse approaches to these issues including related phenomena involving consciousness, traditional spiritual and philosophical views, and new scientific models and theories.
Communicatorlink is not affiliated with any political, subversive, military, government, university, religion, cult, or New Age group.