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‘Creating the Field’: Ethics and the Changing Role of Researchers in Contact Research

2020-08-05T00:31:02+00:00April 27th, 2020|Alien Contact, Articles|

Ethics and the changing role of researchers: are contact researchers creating the data, rather than researching it? It is important to the credibility of the UFO community that contact research data is not hijacked and indeed ‘abducted’; carried away and morphed into something that it originally was not. ‘Creating the Field’ : Ethics and the Changing Role of Researchers in Contact Research Suzy Hansen © 2017 (Note: the term ‘communicator’ is used to collectively represent contactees, abductees, and experiencers) Professionalism and Respect It is important I state clearly right from the outset that I am not anti-researcher – being one myself. Having spent two thirds of my life active in UFO research, I have been privileged to work with many dedicated ethical researchers.  I wish to extend my respect and thanks to these people who have worked tirelessly and constructively in ‘service-to-others’, often without recognition.  Their

The Dual Soul Connection – The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement

2020-04-27T22:10:19+00:00April 27th, 2020|Alien Contact, Human Experience, Sightings, UFO, UFO Experiencers|

The Dual Soul Connection addresses spirituality, consciousness and alien culture alongside scientific, advanced physics and “conscious” technology, all within the framework of alien contact. The Duel Soul Connection - The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement The Dual Soul Connection uniquely combines details of Suzy Hansen's life-long encounters with extraterrestrials, with scientific commentary by Dr Rudy Schild. The Dual Soul Connection addresses issues of spirituality, consciousness and alien culture alongside scientific concepts of advanced physics and organic "consciousness" - 3D technology, all within the framework of alien contact. Significantly, the book outlines complex alien education programmes that assist and advance humankind, and Suzy's experience of a dual soul identity central to this positive agenda. The Dual Soul Connection highlights out interconnectedness with a wider universal family, revealing a process of disclosure by the aliens themselves – a journey of unfolding contact that the whole of mankind is

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